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How can we help?

Below you’ll find answers to the most burning questions you may have about Parakar or our Employer of Record service. If you can’t find the answer, we’re more than happy to answer them in a consult.

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Who is Parakar?

Founded 20+ years ago by Johan Opperman, now Parakar has grown to an enthusiastic team of young professionals. Our experts are located in our offices in Dublin, Breda, Cologne, Barcelona and Paris. All local specialists are ready to help you out with HR and payroll. With the support of sales, marketing and finance Parakar forms a great team for growth in the future!

How long does Parakar exist?

The Parakar Group was founded in the Netherlands around the turn of the millennium (2001) by Johan Opperman. It has since rapidly expanded into its present form where we help companies all over the world expand their business.

Which services do we provide?

All our services are to make your employees start working internationally. If you’re expanding your business abroad, Parakar takes care of your people abroad.

We take full responsibility for payroll, taxes, compliance and all the administrative burden that come with moving your business abroad. While you focus on managing your business, we take care of employment management. Check out all our services.

Which countries do we serve?

Parakar provides employment services in the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Italy and Portugal. All HR experts speak the local language and we have all the knowledge of the local employment law and administrative matters that comes with employing people in the specific country of choice. Next to that we’re located in every city centre of the countries we serve.

Can we provide services in other countries?

Although we’re focused on providing support in the countries we know best, we deliver our services in many other countries too. We do this through a strong partner network which basically covers all other European countries. Over the years we offered services all across Europe for our partners to help them organize a great employment migration.

Why should we choose working with Parakar?

Parakar chooses to focus on delivering high quality services in the countries we know best. We’re located in the city centres of the countries we serve, so we always know our way around.

Trust and personal service is really important in our work. We do everything in thinking along, both on a business and on a personal level. With years of experience we run faster than everyone else within the clear agreements that we make with a client. Parakar is more then your local HR-department, we’re your local partner.

How can I request a quote?

Parakar is happy to help you out with a quote. Please contact us by filling out the contact form below or give us a call! You can find all our contact information at the contact page. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

Is there a minimum number of employees to use the services of Parakar?

There is no minimum number of employees to use the services of Parakar. We can help you out from one employee that requires our services.

I have a request and I can’t find the solution on your website.

With Parakar, the extra mile goes a long way. We look further than the standard services we offer so please contact us directly if you cannot find the answer to your question on our website.

Our network

Your ideal
global partner

For our talent, being able to be globally mobile and to work for any employer from anywhere around the globe is key.

Working remote

Working remote in Poland, thanks!

helping France

Thanks for helping me out in France!

You’re welcome, we’re Parakar

Office Netherlands +31 85 2010 004
Office Germany +49 3222 109 47 14
Office Ireland +353 15 137 854
Office Belgium +32 2 592 0540
Office France +33 18 48 89 879
Office Spain +34 932 201 410
Office UK +44 2036 0862 58
Office Italy +39 0282 944 661
Office Portugal +351 305510191
Office Poland +48 221031254