Fraud Blocker Countries we serve | Parakar - Your local employer.
We’re all over

Countries we serve.

We focus on the countries we know best

We offer our services across 10 European countries where we are located in the business centers. To be at your fullest support, we know all there’s to know about legalizations, implementations and restrictions in these areas. We’re your local guide.


European partner network

In many other countries we deliver our services through a strong partner network. This network covers basically all other European countries. Over the years we have helped numerous companies deliver their services across Europe and helped them organize their employment migration.

Wherever you’re going

We got you covered

Find out which countries Parakar has in its portfolio. And we strive to keep adding countries once we’re convinced we can provide the best service possible.

Office Netherlands +31 85 2010 004
Office Germany +49 3222 109 47 14
Office Ireland +353 15 137 854
Office Belgium +32 2 592 0540
Office France +33 18 48 89 879
Office Spain +34 932 201 410
Office UK +44 2036 0862 58
Office Italy +39 0282 944 661
Office Portugal +351 305510191
Office Poland +48 221031254