Fraud Blocker Employee Services in The Netherlands | Parakar
Ik ben in Nederland

Employee Services The Netherlands

We’re here to help

Your local partner
in The Netherlands

Native HR-experts

The Netherlands is the country where Parakar Group was founded in 2001 and is still the country where our headquarters is based.

20+ years of experience

Parakar has built up experience in supporting and managing countless professional employment-related cases. With our years of experience, we’re ready to offer our services to you!

Customized solutions

We have been of support and implemented many different professional outsourced employment situations for companies all over the world. Every solution is based on the specific needs of a company.

Let us tell you more

Move your business
to The Netherlands today!

By expanding your business to The Netherlands, you get access to innovation networks, projects and facilities to make vital advances in multiple areas. You become part of an international business environment that thrives on superb infrastructure, world-class multilingual talent, and business-friendly regulatory authorities – all factors for successful innovation, enterprise and economic growth. The Dutch workforce is digitally skilled and has an international outlook. It’s no wonder that foreign companies find a great new home in The Netherlands.

However, for foreign companies, employing people in The Netherlands can be complex, as owning a Dutch legal entity is required, and local employment laws can differ from the regulations in your own country.

Parakar offers you the solution of hiring your talent in The Netherlands through our Employer Of Record setup. Your talent will be employed by our local entities, meaning you do not have to set up your own entity, manage the HR and payroll functions, and don’t have to question the compliance of it all, as Parakar knows everything that there is about the Dutch laws and regulations. Of course, you will stay the operational employer of your team, while we will take care of all the employment and HR-related tasks. How easy!

Parakar is registered and certified by multiple Dutch labour organizations.

  • Parakar is registered as one of the first Recognized Sponsors at IND (the Dutch government’s immigration and naturalization service) for hiring highly skilled migrants, meaning we are able to support employees obtaining a visa on the fast-track.
  • Parakar is certified by SNA (Stichting Normering Arbeid), the Dutch Authority monitoring the correct application of the NEN4400-1 norm for labour leasing. This allows us to offer greater protection against fraud and illegality to employers who hire temporary staff or outsource work.
  • Parakar is a registered and certified member of ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen), largest trade association of Dutch private employment agencies. This confirms that we meet the highest quality standards regarding administration and incorporation, offering you the best quality of services.
Our best features

Our services
in The Netherlands


Employer of record services

By using Employer of Record in The Netherlands (EOR), you can hire talent without having to establish an entity because we will handle all legal necessities and paperwork on your behalf.



Our team ensures the efficient management of taxation in The Netherlands while minimizing the risk involved.


HR & Payroll full services in The Netherlands

Enjoy our payroll services including a comprehensive HR package, taking care of all employee management needs.


HR & Payroll on demand services in the Netherlands

Enjoy our payroll services and/or a comprehensive HR on Demand package, taking care of all employee management needs.


Work permits

Our team of experienced immigration specialists will guide you through the process of obtaining a visa/work permit for your employee, ensuring that all necessary documents are submitted correctly and in time.



Employee benefits

Compliant employee benefits, including health insurance, are always provided and we strive to find the best benefits package tailored to your company values for your employees.


Management of travel and expenses

We facilitate a clean platform for expense processing. Your employees are provided with a user-friendly system for submitting expenses.


Employment law advice

Need legal advice in case of complications between employer and employee? We’re here for you. Our legal experts always stay up-to-date with local laws and regulations, allowing them to provide you with expert advice and guidance in employment regulations.

Employment fact

The Dutch government offers a tax exemption for foreign employees that are hired to work in The Netherlands, the so-called 30% ruling. This dispensation is acknowledged to employees that have to deal with additional costs, caused by the fact that they are moving to The Netherlands for work.

Learn more about the Dutch labour conditions here:

Learn more

We go the extra mile

We offer comprehensive HR, PEO and payroll services that go above and beyond what is typically provided by a local HR department. We want limit the difficulties of managing people abroad and make your staff feel at home and well-cared for in The Netherlands. We accomplish this by fully ensuring compliance in all facets of payroll and HR administration, speak the local language and are fully aware of the local employment law and benefits.

Let’s sum this up

Why choose
Parakar for The Netherlands?


Parakar is from origin a Dutch company and is officially registered as an employer with the Dutch authorities.


We act up as your Employer of Record to employ and payroll your employees in The Netherlands.


We offer great management for health insurance and customized employee benefits.

Let’s meet

Dutch employment guide

Let us guide you in your global expansion. Discover the benefits of expanding your business to The Netherlands!

Floortje Gomes Head of Sales

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You’re welcome, we’re Parakar

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